Fields for reports for 2016-2017
By Field
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | , Classroom List, eCertifications, eCertifications Summary, Directory of Educators, Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Parents, Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy), School Opening Summary, School Opening, School Closing Summary, School Closing, School Graduations, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript, |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | , Classroom List, eCertifications, eCertifications Summary, Directory of Educators, Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Parents, Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy), School Opening Summary, School Opening, School Closing Summary, School Closing, School Graduations, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript, |
supplied_name | |
supplied_email | |
home_school_meetings | School Closing |
is_closing | School Closing |
year_opened | |
year_closed | |
begin_date_q1 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
end_date_q1 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
begin_date_q2 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
end_date_q2 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
begin_date_q3 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
end_date_q3 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
begin_date_q4 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
end_date_q4 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
reported_instructional_days | |
instructional_days_q1 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
instructional_days_q2 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
instructional_days_q3 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
instructional_days_q4 | Record of Attendance — Daily |
school_has_ec | |
term_type | |
is_4_day_week | |
school_minutes_met | |
closing_reason | |
is_pc_for | |
non_teachers_pk_8 | |
non_teachers_9_12 | |
teachers_pk_8_sda | |
teachers_9_12_sda | |
teachers_pk_8_non_sda | |
teachers_9_12_non_sda |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | , Classroom List, eCertifications, eCertifications Summary, Directory of Educators, Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Parents, Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy), School Opening Summary, School Opening, School Closing Summary, School Closing, School Graduations, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript, |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
educator_id | , Classroom List, eCertifications, eCertifications Summary, Directory of Educators, Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Parents, Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy), School Opening Summary, School Opening, School Closing Summary, School Closing, School Graduations, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript, |
first_name | Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
last_name | Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
gender | School Opening Summary, School Opening |
ethnicity | |
address_line_1 | Directory of Educators, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
address_line_2 | Directory of Educators, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
address_city | Directory of Educators, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
address_state | Directory of Educators, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
address_postal_code | Directory of Educators, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
Directory of Educators | |
phone | Directory of Educators, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
address_country | |
hire_date | |
withdrawal_date | |
is_adventist | School Opening Summary, School Opening |
church_name | Teacher Opening |
supplied_highest_degree | |
has_state_certification | School Opening Summary, School Opening |
certification_state | Teacher Opening |
state_certification_expiration | Teacher Opening |
supplied_title | |
fte_support_staff_pk_8 | |
fte_support_staff_9_12 | |
fte_teacher_pk_8 | |
fte_teacher_9_12 | |
fte_administrator_pk_8 | |
fte_administrator_9_12 | |
position |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
full_legal_name | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Parents, Record of Attendance — Daily, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript |
first_name | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy) |
middle_name | Classroom List |
last_name | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy) |
generation_name | |
address_line_1 | Classroom List, Record of Parents |
address_line_2 | Classroom List, Record of Parents |
address_city | Classroom List, Record of Parents |
address_state | Classroom List, Record of Parents |
address_postal_code | Classroom List, Record of Parents |
address_country | |
date_of_birth | Classroom List, Record of Attendance — Daily, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript |
gender | School Opening Summary, School Opening, School Closing, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
ethnicity | |
cumulative_gpa | Report Card (Academy), Transcript |
place_of_birth | Record of Parents |
parent_1_relationship | |
parent_1_first_name | Record of Parents |
parent_1_middle_name | |
parent_1_last_name | Record of Parents |
parent_1_home_phone | Record of Parents |
parent_1_work_phone | Record of Parents |
parent_1_mobile_phone | Record of Parents |
parent_2_relationship | Record of Parents |
parent_2_first_name | Record of Parents |
parent_2_middle_name | |
parent_2_last_name | Record of Parents |
parent_2_home_phone | Record of Parents |
parent_2_work_phone | Record of Parents |
parent_2_mobile_phone | Record of Parents |
emergency_contact_name | Record of Parents |
emergency_contact_phone | Record of Parents |
family_physician_name | Record of Parents |
family_physician_phone | Record of Parents |
date_of_immunization_verification | Record of Parents |
has_financial_hold | |
enroll_date | |
withdrawal_date | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), School Closing |
grade_level | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily, School Opening Summary, School Opening, Teacher Closing, Transcript |
graduation_year | |
parent_or_guardian_is_adventist | School Opening Summary, School Opening, School Closing, Teacher Closing |
is_part_time | |
is_boarding | School Opening Summary, School Opening |
is_distance_learner | |
homeroom_teacher_id | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Parents, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy), Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
modified_instructional_plan | |
next_year_status | |
next_year_grade_level | Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Report Card (Elementary) |
is_baptized_adventist | School Opening Summary, School Opening |
baptized_this_school_year | School Closing Summary, School Closing |
is_aple | School Opening |
proof_of_birth | |
denomination | |
resides_with | |
gpa_q1 | |
gpa_q2 | |
gpa_q3 | |
gpa_q4 | |
gpa_s1 | |
gpa_s2 | |
credits_earned_s1 | |
credits_earned_s2 | |
gpa_for_year | |
graduation_month | |
graduation_day | |
is_international | |
has_certificate_of_completion | |
is_pc_from | |
days_marked_present_q1 | |
days_marked_present_q2 | |
days_marked_present_q3 | |
days_marked_present_q4 |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
class_id | |
course_id_sda | |
class_name | Classroom List, Record of Scholarship (PK-8), Record of Attendance — Class, Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy), Transcript |
subject_name | Report Card (Elementary), Report Card (Academy) |
teacher_id | Classroom List, Record of Attendance — Class, Teacher Opening, Teacher Closing |
scheduled_terms | |
scheduled_term_type |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
class_id | |
grade_q1 | |
grade_q2 | |
grade_q3 | |
grade_q4 | |
grade_s1 | |
grade_s2 | |
grade_final | |
credits_s1 | |
credits_s2 | |
teacher_comments_q1 | |
teacher_comments_q2 | |
teacher_comments_q3 | |
teacher_comments_q4 | |
credits_final | |
enroll_date | |
withdraw_date | |
enrolled_terms | |
enrolled_term_type |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
class_id | |
skill_id_sda | Report Card (Elementary) |
grade_q1 | Report Card (Elementary) |
grade_q2 | Report Card (Elementary) |
grade_q3 | Report Card (Elementary) |
grade_q4 | Report Card (Elementary) |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
date | Record of Attendance — Daily |
quarter | |
attendance_exception_am | Record of Attendance — Daily |
attendance_exception_pm | Record of Attendance — Daily |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | Record of Attendance — Class |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | Record of Attendance — Class |
date | Record of Attendance — Class |
class_id | Record of Attendance — Class |
quarter | Record of Attendance — Class |
attendance_exception | Record of Attendance — Class |
period | Record of Attendance — Class |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
date | Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily |
reason | Record of Attendance — Class, Record of Attendance — Daily |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
school_year_taken | Transcript |
class_name | Transcript |
course_id_sda | |
grade_s1 | |
grade_s2 | Transcript |
credits_s1 | Transcript |
credits_s2 | Transcript |
where_taken_s1 | Transcript |
where_taken_s2 | Transcript |
grade_final | |
credits_final | |
subject_id |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
standarized_tests | |
average | |
weight | |
rank | |
rank_date | |
rank_out_of | |
community_service_record | |
comment |
Field Name | Reports |
school_id_sda | |
sis_unique_key | |
school_year_name | |
student_id_sda | |
grade_from | |
grade_to | |
date |
By Report
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | begin_date |
School | end_date |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | accred_terms_years |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Classroom List
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | middle_name |
Student | address_line_1 |
Student | address_line_2 |
Student | address_city |
Student | address_state |
Student | address_postal_code |
Student | date_of_birth |
SchoolClass | class_name |
SchoolClass | teacher_id |
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
eCertifications Summary
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Directory of Educators
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Staff | address_line_1 |
Staff | address_line_2 |
Staff | address_city |
Staff | address_state |
Staff | address_postal_code |
Staff | |
Staff | phone |
Staff | title |
Record of Scholarship (PK-8)
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | full_legal_name |
Student | first_name |
Student | last_name |
Student | entry_date |
Student | withdrawal_date |
Student | grade_level |
Student | promoted_to_next_grade_level |
Student | homeroom_teacher_id |
Student | next_year_grade_level |
SchoolClass | class_name |
StudentClass | grade_q1 |
StudentClass | grade_q2 |
StudentClass | grade_q3 |
StudentClass | grade_q4 |
StudentClass | grade_final |
Record of Parents
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | full_legal_name |
Student | address_line_1 |
Student | address_line_2 |
Student | address_city |
Student | address_state |
Student | address_postal_code |
Student | place_of_birth |
Student | parent_1_first_name |
Student | parent_1_last_name |
Student | parent_1_home_phone |
Student | parent_1_work_phone |
Student | parent_1_mobile_phone |
Student | parent_2_relationship |
Student | parent_2_first_name |
Student | parent_2_last_name |
Student | parent_2_home_phone |
Student | parent_2_work_phone |
Student | parent_2_mobile_phone |
Student | emergency_contact_name |
Student | emergency_contact_phone |
Student | family_physician_name |
Student | family_physician_phone |
Student | date_of_immunization_verification |
Student | homeroom_teacher_id |
Record of Attendance — Class
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | first_name |
Student | last_name |
Student | grade_level |
SchoolClass | class_name |
SchoolClass | teacher_id |
AttendanceForClass | school_id_sda |
AttendanceForClass | school_year |
AttendanceForClass | quarter |
AttendanceForClass | student_id_sda |
AttendanceForClass | date |
AttendanceForClass | class_id |
AttendanceForClass | attendance_exception |
AttendanceForClass | period |
NonSchoolDay | school_id_sda |
NonSchoolDay | school_year |
NonSchoolDay | date |
NonSchoolDay | reason |
Record of Attendance — Daily
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | begin_date |
School | instructional_days |
School | begin_date_q1 |
School | end_date_q1 |
School | begin_date_q2 |
School | end_date_q2 |
School | begin_date_q3 |
School | end_date_q3 |
School | begin_date_q4 |
School | end_date_q4 |
School | instructional_days_q1 |
School | instructional_days_q2 |
School | instructional_days_q3 |
School | instructional_days_q4 |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | full_legal_name |
Student | first_name |
Student | last_name |
Student | date_of_birth |
Student | grade_level |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q1 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q2 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q3 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q4 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q1 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q2 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q3 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q4 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q1 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q2 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q3 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q4 |
AttendanceForDay | date |
AttendanceForDay | attendance_exception_am |
AttendanceForDay | attendance_exception_pm |
NonSchoolDay | school_id_sda |
NonSchoolDay | school_year |
NonSchoolDay | date |
NonSchoolDay | reason |
Report Card (Elementary)
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | first_name |
Student | last_name |
Student | homeroom_teacher_id |
Student | next_year_grade_level |
StudentCumulative | gpa_q1 |
StudentCumulative | gpa_q2 |
StudentCumulative | gpa_q3 |
StudentCumulative | gpa_q4 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q1 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q2 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q3 |
StudentCumulative | days_absent_q4 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q1 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q2 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q3 |
StudentCumulative | days_present_q4 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q1 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q2 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q3 |
StudentCumulative | days_tardy_q4 |
StudentCumulative | teacher_comments_q1 |
StudentCumulative | teacher_comments_q2 |
StudentCumulative | teacher_comments_q3 |
StudentCumulative | teacher_comments_q4 |
StudentCumulative | gpa_for_year |
SchoolClass | class_name |
SchoolClass | subject_name |
StudentClass | grade_q1 |
StudentClass | grade_q2 |
StudentClass | grade_q3 |
StudentClass | grade_q4 |
StudentClass | grade_final |
StudentClass | teacher_comments_q1 |
StudentClass | teacher_comments_q2 |
StudentClass | teacher_comments_q3 |
StudentClass | teacher_comments_q4 |
StudentSkill | skill_id_sda |
StudentSkill | grade_q1 |
StudentSkill | grade_q2 |
StudentSkill | grade_q3 |
StudentSkill | grade_q4 |
StudentSkill | grade_final |
Report Card (Academy)
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | first_name |
Student | last_name |
Student | cumulative_gpa |
Student | homeroom_teacher_id |
StudentCumulative | gpa_s1 |
StudentCumulative | gpa_s2 |
StudentCumulative | credits_earned_s1 |
StudentCumulative | credits_earned_s2 |
SchoolClass | class_name |
SchoolClass | subject_name |
StudentClass | grade_q1 |
StudentClass | grade_q2 |
StudentClass | grade_q3 |
StudentClass | grade_q4 |
StudentClass | grade_s1 |
StudentClass | grade_s2 |
StudentClass | credits_s1 |
StudentClass | credits_s2 |
School Opening Summary
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | type |
School | size |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Staff | gender |
Staff | is_adventist |
Staff | highest_degree |
Staff | has_state_certification |
Staff | fte_k_8 |
Staff | fte_9_12 |
Staff | fte_admin |
Student | gender |
Student | grade_level |
Student | parent_or_guardian_is_adventist |
Student | is_boarding |
Student | is_baptized_adventist |
School Opening
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | type |
School | size |
School | principal |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Staff | gender |
Staff | is_adventist |
Staff | is_classified |
Staff | highest_degree |
Staff | has_state_certification |
Staff | fte_pk |
Staff | fte_k_8 |
Staff | fte_9_12 |
Staff | fte_admin |
Student | gender |
Student | grade_level |
Student | parent_or_guardian_is_adventist |
Student | is_boarding |
Student | is_baptized_adventist |
Student | is_aple |
School Closing Summary
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | promoted_to_next_grade_level |
Student | baptized_this_school_year |
School Closing
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | end_date |
School | instructional_days |
School | home_school_meetings |
School | is_closing |
School | accred_last_fe_date |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | gender |
Student | withdrawal_date |
Student | parent_or_guardian_is_adventist |
Student | promoted_to_next_grade_level |
Student | baptized_this_school_year |
School Graduations
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Teacher Opening
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Staff | first_name |
Staff | last_name |
Staff | address_line_1 |
Staff | address_line_2 |
Staff | address_city |
Staff | address_state |
Staff | address_postal_code |
Staff | phone |
Staff | church_name |
Staff | denom_certification_type |
Staff | denom_certification_expiration |
Staff | certification_state |
Staff | state_certification_expiration |
Staff | experience_denominational |
Staff | experience_other |
Staff | experience_total |
Student | full_legal_name |
Student | date_of_birth |
Student | gender |
Student | entry_date |
Student | homeroom_teacher_id |
SchoolClass | teacher_id |
Teacher Closing
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | end_date |
School | instructional_days |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Staff | first_name |
Staff | last_name |
Staff | address_line_1 |
Staff | address_line_2 |
Staff | address_city |
Staff | address_state |
Staff | address_postal_code |
Staff | phone |
Student | full_legal_name |
Student | date_of_birth |
Student | gender |
Student | grade_level |
Student | parent_or_guardian_is_adventist |
Student | homeroom_teacher_id |
SchoolClass | teacher_id |
Record Type | Field Name |
School | school_id_sda |
School | school_year_name |
School | principal |
Staff | school_id_sda |
Staff | educator_id |
Student | full_legal_name |
Student | date_of_birth |
Student | cumulative_gpa |
Student | grade_level |
SchoolClass | class_name |
TranscriptClass | school_year_taken |
TranscriptClass | class_name |
TranscriptClass | grade_s2 |
TranscriptClass | credits_s1 |
TranscriptClass | credits_s2 |
TranscriptClass | where_taken_s1 |
TranscriptClass | where_taken_s2 |